
Wellbeing Walks Waiver

Assumption of Risk: I understand that participating in the Wellbeing walk involves inherent risks, including but not limited to; slips, falls, weather conditions, and wildlife encounters. I acknowledge these risks and voluntarily choose to participate.

Release of Liability: By booking and participating in the Wellbeing walk, I hereby release and discharge the organizers from any liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that may arise from my participation, except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

Indemnification: I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the organizers from any claims, damages, or expenses resulting from my participation in the walk.

Medical Disclaimer: I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own health and fitness to participate in the walk. I have consulted with a healthcare professional if I have any health concerns.

Photo Release: I give permission for my image to be used in promotional materials related to the Wellbeing walk.

Vehicle Parking: I understand that parking of vehicles is at owners own risk.

Acknowledgment of Understanding: By booking a Wellbeing walk, I agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.

Walk and Talk Integrative Therapy Waiver

Purpose and Scope of Therapy: I understand that Walk and Talk Integrative Therapy sessions involve combining physical activity (walking) with therapeutic dialogue to promote mental health and well-being.

Confidentiality: I acknowledge that all information shared during therapy sessions is confidential, except in cases where disclosure is required by law or there is a risk of harm to myself or others. I understand the therapist’s commitment to maintaining confidentiality to the fullest extent possible.

Boundaries of Therapist-Client Relationship: I recognize and agree to maintain the professional boundaries of the therapist-client relationship. This includes understanding that communications outside of scheduled therapy sessions are not appropriate for therapeutic purposes, and that any form of dual relationship could impact the therapeutic process.

Informed Consent: I understand that participation in therapy is voluntary. I have the right to withdraw consent or terminate therapy at any time, and I understand the implications of doing so.

Professional Qualifications: I acknowledge that the therapist conducting the sessions holds appropriate qualifications, credentials, and licenses relevant to the practice of talk therapy.

Risks and Benefits: I understand that while therapy aims to promote emotional well-being, it may also involve discussing uncomfortable feelings and experiences. There are potential risks and benefits associated with participating in therapy, including but not limited to emotional discomfort and improvement in mental health.

Session Policies: I agree to adhere to the therapist’s policies regarding session duration, scheduling, cancellation procedures, and fees, as communicated to me.

Emergency Procedures: In the event of an emergency during a session or outside of session hours, I understand the procedures for seeking assistance and whom to contact. I acknowledge that the therapist may need to contact appropriate authorities if there is an imminent risk of harm to myself or others.

Limits of Confidentiality: I acknowledge that confidentiality may be breached in circumstances such as mandated reporting of child abuse, elder abuse, or if there is a risk of harm to myself or others that requires intervention.

Client Responsibilities: I agree to actively participate in therapy sessions, provide honest and accurate information, and fulfill any payment obligations associated with therapy services.

Use of Technology: If therapy sessions are conducted via technology (e.g., video conferencing), I understand the risks and benefits associated with using such technology and the measures taken to protect the confidentiality and security of our communications.

Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from the therapy sessions or this waiver will be resolved through mediation or arbitration, as agreed upon by both parties.

Vehicle Parking: I understand that parking of vehicles is at owners own risk.

Acknowledgment of Understanding: By booking a Walk and Talk Integrative Therapy session, I agree to the terms and conditions outlined above. I acknowledge that I have read and understand these terms, and I agree to abide by these terms and conditions throughout my participation.